Our Services
What We Are
Road freight namibia

For high volume or heavy weight cargo, trucking is often required for shipments. We offer Pick up and Drop off services for any type of shipment. Please note that certain shipments require extra licenses for size, contents and/or due to economical circumstances. We serve local transport , regional as well as Cross border , Currently caters for SA , Zambia , Botswana , DRC , Zimbabwe and Angola . Multiple loads , break bilk , containerized and Refrigerator.All trucks well equipped with monitoring systems and effective insurance cover including GIT .

Meet Our MD
Mr Vilho Nevonga
Managing Director

Vilho Nevonga , Namibian male the founder and managing director of Kalnevo Investment , been in transport industry for 18 years, a proud product of the Van Royens family. Diploma in transport freight from the University of Johannesburg (UJ)